Over the past several months, ITS has pursued an in-depth discovery process to understand the email, calendaring and collaboration requirements of faculty, staff, and students. After careful consideration and research, we are pleased to announce that Microsoft Office 365 will be replacing Novell Groupwise as North Central College’s email platform. Office 365 addresses many of the important criteria identified by our campus community: greater reliability, ease of use, reliable delivery of messages to mobile devices, enhanced security, better integration with 3rd party products, and greater storage.
Email and calendaring will be the initial focus of the Office 365 implementation, with full completion expected by the end of December 2017 or early 2018. The staff migration process began in late October and will continue throughout the end of the year. Departments will be notified of their migration dates as the schedule is determined. At the current time, faculty mailboxes are scheduled to be migrated in early December.